The Blood War Battlefield
The Blood War Battlefield

The Blood War Battlefield

The Blood War Battlefield

A tale of woe from the depths of the Blood War. Lyrics by Center of All. Audible glamer by Jon Winter-Holt.

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The Blood War Battlefield

The tiefling stood upon the field,
Leaning heavy on his shield,
When weapons no more could he wield,
The Blood War battlefield.

The tiefling stood among the dead,
And from its wounds the landscape bled,
The cursed, vengeful spirits fed,
On weary, battered dead.

The tiefling stood within his home,
Amidst the ruined ash and stone,
The desolate watch was his alone,
His wretched, ravaged home.

The tiefling lay upon the field,
Lying there, beneath his shield,
No more weapons would he wield.
The Blood War battlefield.

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