Can You Sense It?
Can You Sense It?

Can You Sense It?

Can You Sense It?

The Sensate Song

A popular Sensate recruitment song for Sigil’s Society of Sensate faction.

Audible glamer by Jon Winter-Holt. Idea inspired by ‘Can You Feel it?’ [1981] — with apologies to the Jackson Five.

Download the mp3 here:

Can You Sense It?

Can you see it?
(I wanna see it!)
Can you feel it?
(I wanna feel it!)

Bask in the glow of Phlegethos,
Where baatezu dance in fire,
And then you gaze across
Sigil topping off the Spire.
You won’t believe your eyes
It’s gonna blow your brains!
Gaze upon the infinite!
The majesty of planes!

Can you see it?
(I wanna see it!)
Do you feel it?
(I wanna feel it y’all!)
Can you sense it?
(I wanna sense it all!)

In Pandemonium
The wind’s incessant screamin’
And down the pit of Nessus
The whispers and the schemin’
You won’t believe your ears
It’s gonna blow your brains!
Tune in and listen close,
The music of the planes!

Can you hear it?
(I wanna hear it!)
Do you feel it?
(I wanna feel it y’all!)
Can you sense it?
(I wanna sense it all!)

Let me walk in Arvandor
And sample all the blooms
They’re so seductive just
Like succubus perfumes.
You won’t believe your nose,
It’s gonna blow your brains!
Sniff the scents of paradise!
The aromas of the planes!

Can you smell it?
(I wanna smell it!)
Do you feel it?
(I wanna feel it y’all!)
Can you sense it?
(I wanna sense it all!)

The silky hair of eladrin,
The ice of Stygia,
The pain of chain from Malebolge
The froth on Ysgard beer
You won’t believe the feeling,
It’s gonna blow your brains!
You gotta take your boots off
Get grounded in the planes!

Can you touch it?
(I wanna touch it!)
Do you feel it?
(I wanna feel it y’all!)
Can you sense it?
(I wanna sense it all!)

A sip of Styx’s bitter flow,
Olympian mead divine,
A little bite of fiendish woe,
Cup of elemental brine.

Can you taste it?
(I wanna taste it!)
Do you feel it?
(I wanna feel it y’all!)
Can you sense it?
(I wanna sense it all!)

Using all your senses,
You’ll eliminate all doubt,
(I wanna hear it!)
If you miss out on the infinite,
You’re gonna feel left out!
(I wanna see it!)
Savour every taste and sound,
And touch and smell and sight,  
(I wanna taste it!)
That’s the dark of it, my friend:
We Sensates feel…. alright!

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