What If…
What If…

What If…

Download the mp3 version here: https://mimir.net/wp-content/uploads/What_If.mp3

What If…

(An Atharic Anthem)

Audible Glamer by Jon Winter-Holt
(Inspired by ‘One of Us’ — with apologies to Joan Osborne)
Find out more about the Athar faction here….

What if you met Ra, in a dusty old town,  
With the sun in his eyes, and no fiery crown?
Would he shine like a beacon, or just appear dim,
Lost in the crowd, no longer a king.
Would he apologise for Sekmet’s destruction?
When she came down to kill us, on his instruction?

What if powers were mortal, just like you and me,  
Struggling to fool us with their divinity?  
What if their strength was just an illusion,  
Keeping their secrets by sowing confusion.
What if they were mortal just like us?
What if powers could die…

What if Loki was a jester, in a run-down bar,
Using tricks and illusions, and acting bizarre.
Would he weave grand stories, or just tell jokes for some jink,
Just a strange lonely man on the brink?
Would his chaos seem forced, would his antics shock,
Would he change his mind about Ragnarok?

What if powers were mortal, just like you and me,
Struggling to fool us with their divinity?
What if their might was just a lie,
Hiding their flaws with a mask they deny?
What if gods were just mortal like us?

What if Athena was a scholar, with no grandeur or fame,
Working in a library, with little acclaim.
Would she still inspire, would she still show grace,
Caught up in the troubles of the human race?
Would she apologise, check her jealousy,
For doing what she did to poor Arachne?

What if powers were mortal, just like you and me,
Struggling to fool us with their divinity?
What if the gods had doubts and fears,
Magnified by a thousand years?
What if the powers were flawed and weak,
Jealous and cruel, protecting their clique,
Making use of bribes and fear to seek
Worship and obedience from the meek?

Well it’s time to stop, to tell the gods enough,
To stop pandering, to call their bluff,
Because powers can die if we stop praying,
They’re mortal like us! That’s all I’m saying…

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