Cutters Shafi Bin Ahmad Zin 2025-02-02 2025-02-02 Being a Barber and Talented Fixer-Upper of Clockworks #Artificers #Barbers #Cutters #Gen #Great Bazaar #Market Ward #Mechanus #Merchants #Sha'ir #Sigil #Wizard Spells
Cutters Dancer of the Cogs 2025-02-02 2025-02-02 Being a Mysterious but Very Talented Performer of the Geometrical Waltz #Cutters #Labyrinthine Portal #Mechanus #Wandering
Cutters Imryll Quast 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 Being the Unblinking Watcher, the Man in the Endless Now #Cutters #Fortune Tellers #Fraternity of Order #High-Ups #Mechanus
Cutters Madame Incarnadine 2025-01-19 2025-01-19 Being the Chiurgeon-in-Chief of Beauty is Only Skin Deep #Abyss #Abyssal Lords #Cutters #High-Ups #Skindjur
Cutters Volisupula 2025-01-14 2025-01-14 Being the Abyssal Lord of Grotesque and Ostentatious Finery #Abyss #Abyssal Lords #Cutters #Skindjur #Tanar'ri Lords
Cutters Places Burgs of Kearackinin 2025-01-11 2025-01-13 Being a Trio of Burgs Lost in the Endless Swamp #Abyss #High-Ups #Kearackinin #Lizard Kings #Sites
Cutters Inquisitors of Interdiction 2025-01-02 2025-01-14 Being a Planewalking Fraternity of Gate-Seekers #Abyss #Fraternity of Order #Grand Abyss #Wandering
Cutters Guardian of the Gates 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 Being the Klurichir Tasked to Defend the Portals of the Grand Abyss #Abyss #Cutters #Grand Abyss #Klurichir #Tanar'ri
Cutters Places Asima 2024-12-27 2025-03-28 Being the Ancient Vestige of an Obyrith Lord of Unwelcome Surprises #Abyss #Abyssal Lords #Dead Powers #Grand Abyss #Obyrith Lords #Sites #Tombs