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Graybeard Theories Concerning the Spire
Being a Thesis of Theories from Graybeards on the Mechanics of the Spire
Planewalker Tales of the Spire
Being a Collection of Chant from Planewalkers on the Purpose of the Spire
Faction Musings on the Spire
Being a Collection of Chant from Factioneers on the Nature of the Spire
The Brothers of the Dark Hood
Being a Motley Crew of Outlandish Brigands and their Catburglar Mastermind
Calendar of the Outlands
Being an Account of the Months and Seasons of the Plane of Balance,
Helpful to both Local and Planewalker Alike
Wild Hunt, the
Being a Revelation of the True Nature of the Hunt, and a Concise Description of its Dwelling