Aeons Aeon, Bythos 2025-02-16 2025-02-23 Being the Monitors of Time and Space #Aeons #Bestiary #Creatures #Mechanus #Monitors
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Guardinals Guardinal Phratry, Scouts 2025-02-15 2025-03-03 Being the Subtle Guardians of the Restful Plane #Bestiary #Creatures #Elysium #Guardinals
Aeons Aeon, Agnoia 2025-02-14 2025-02-23 Being the Monitors of Ignorance and Knowledge #Aeons #Bestiary #Creatures #Mechanus #Monitors
Aeons Aeon, Akhana 2025-02-13 2025-02-23 Being the Monitors of Birth and Death #Aeons #Bestiary #Creatures #Mechanus #Monitors
Genies Djinn 2025-02-10 2025-02-11 Being an Essay on the Djinni, those Flighty Genies of Air #Djinni #Elemental Air #Genies #Inner Planes #Jaathoom
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Encounter Lists Bestiary of Air 2025-02-09 2025-02-10 Being a Essay on Ethereal Entities #Bestiary #Elemental Air #Index #Inner Planes