Guardinals Bharrai 2025-03-01 2025-03-02 Being the Mother Bear of the Guardinals #Elysium #Empyreal Lords #Five Companions #Guardinals #High-Ups #Ursinals
Guardinals Bharnarol 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 Being the Tempered Inventor #Elysium #Empyreal Lords #Guardinals #High-Ups #Loxodontals
Inevitables Inevitables 2025-02-23 2025-02-23 Being the Impartial and Incorruptible Enforcers of Multiversal Laws and Contracts #Bestiary #Creatures #Index #Inevitables #Mechanus #Monitors
Guardinals Guardinal Phratry, Yeomen 2025-02-23 2025-03-03 Being the Friendly Folk of the Restful Plane, Living their Best Lives #Bestiary #Creatures #Elysium #Guardinals
Guardinals Guardinal Phratry, Custodians 2025-02-22 2025-03-03 Being the Most Staunch Defenders of Elysium #Bestiary #Creatures #Elysium #Guardinals
Guardinals Guardinal Phratry, Luminaries 2025-02-21 2025-03-03 Being the Most Mighty of the Most Goodly Bloods #Bestiary #Creatures #Elysium #Guardinals
Aeons Featured Aeons 2025-02-17 2025-02-23 Being the Strange Dualistic Keepers of the Multiversal Laws #Aeons #Bestiary #Creatures #Mechanus #Monitors
Aeons Aeon, Pleroma 2025-02-17 2025-02-23 Being the Mysterious Force Balancing Creation and Destruction #Aeons #Bestiary #Creatures #Mechanus #Monitors
Aeons Aeon, Lipika 2025-02-17 2025-02-23 Being the Monitors of Cause and Effect #Aeons #Bestiary #Creatures #Mechanus #Monitors