Christopher Verdue
Being a Psychic Hardhead who can See where Others Cannot, and Seeks to Banish the Darkness from Sigil
Being a Psychic Hardhead who can See where Others Cannot, and Seeks to Banish the Darkness from Sigil
A Jermlaine Philosopher with Notions Larger and Voice Louder than his Short Stature would Suggest
A Burnished Deva who seeks to Redeem the Name of Goodness by Ceasing their Arming of the Fiends
Being a Trumpet Archon who Ushers Celestia’s Dead Back to the Land of the Living
An Insectile Merkhant with an Eye for Jink, and Very Secret Purposes Behind his Goldlust
Being a Foray into the Murky World of Sigil’s Movers and Shakers, their Intrigues and Double Dealings