Music Poetry A Binding Agreement of Conjugal Affection 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 Being a Heartwarming Love Song from Mechanus #Mechanus #Modrons #Poems from Beyond #Rogue Modrons #Songs from Beyond
Modrons Rilmani Falling Sideways 2024-03-09 2024-03-09 Being What Happens When a Rilmani Tires of the Balance #Modrons #Rilmani #Rogue Modrons
Cutters Rogue Unit 2023-10-01 2024-07-05 A Trio of Deranged and Deceived Modrons, Lawfully Zealous Despite Being Rogue themselves #Cage Rattlers #Modrons #Rogue Modrons #Sigil
Cutters Checker / Modrian 2023-09-24 2025-03-02 Who Turned Stag from Their Race, and found Consolation, Corroboration and Comfort in Art #Modron #Rogue Modrons #Sigil #Society of Sensation #Visionaries