Cutters Rilmani Rilmani Paragons 2024-03-06 2025-02-18 All Rilmani are Balanced, but Some are More Balanced than Others #Cutters #High-Ups #Outlands #Rilmani #Spire
Cutters Organisations Places Kingdom of Tir na Og 2023-12-11 2025-01-27 Being an Overview of the Monarch and Palace of the Mortal Ruler of Tir na Og #High-Ups #Organisations #Outlands #Ringlands #Sites #Tir na Og
Collections Psychopomps Psychopomp Ushers 2023-11-18 2024-09-29 Being a Survey of the Usher Paragons of the Psychopomps #High-Ups #Outlands #Psychopomps #Underlands
Cutters Pereid 2023-11-11 2023-11-12 Being the Masked High-Up of the Dusty Doomguard Citadel Alluvius #Cutters #Doomguard #High-Ups
Cutters Devland 2023-10-29 2023-10-29 Being a Doomlord High-Up who Oversees the Crumbling Citadel of Ash #Ash #Doomguard #Empty Winter #Half-Elves #High-Ups #Quasi-Elemental Ash
Cutters Hierarchies The Knights of Decay 2023-10-11 2024-07-05 Being a Collection of the Doomguard Knights of Decay #Cutters #Doomguard #High-Ups
Cutters Hierarchies Karnacki the Quick 2023-10-11 2024-07-05 Being an Agent of Graz’zt or is that a Double Agent of the Doomguard #Cutters #Doomguard #High-Ups
Cutters Hierarchies Ely Cromlich 2023-10-11 2024-07-05 Being the Master of the Forges #Cambion #Cutters #Doomguard #High-Ups #Tanar'ri
Cutters Hierarchies Jaranda 2023-10-11 2024-07-05 Being the Ruler of Gallowsgate who is Consumed by Perfecting Entropy #Cutters #Doomguard #High-Ups #Mariliths #Pazunia #Tanar'ri