Places Flower Infernal 2025-02-21 2025-02-21 Being the Headquarters of the Brutally Ambitious Tacharim Sect #Faction Headquarters #Gehenna #Khalas #Tacharim
Sects Tacharim 2025-02-20 2025-02-21 Being a Band of Thugs and Opportunists Who Menace the Outlands and the Lower Planes #Brinklands #Gehenna #Khalas #Outlands #Philosophies #Sects #Tacharim
Gehenna Krangath 2024-07-01 2025-01-23 Being the Dead Furnace, the Bitter Chill Beneath the Void #Gehenna #Krangath #Layers #Outer Planes
Gehenna Mungoth 2024-07-01 2025-01-23 Being the Crackling Furnace of Burning Ice #Gehenna #Layers #Mungoth #Outer Planes
Gehenna Chamada 2024-07-01 2025-01-23 Being the Raging Furnace of Infinite Lava, and Burning Hatred #Chamada #Gehenna #Layers #Outer Planes
Gehenna Khalas 2024-07-01 2025-02-21 Being the Gentle Layer of Gehenna, and if you Believe That I Have a Bridge Over the Ditch to Sell You #Gehenna #Khalas #Layers #Outer Planes
Planes Gehenna 2024-07-01 2024-08-09 Being the Fourfold Furnace, a Plane of Bitter Struggle, Parsimony and Naked Ambition at Any Cost #Gehenna #Lower Planes #Outer Planes
Powers Ahriman 2024-06-27 2024-07-04 Being the Creator of the Div and Source of All Corrupting Wickedness #Div #Gehenna #Greater Powers #Persian Pantheon #Powers #Powers of Death #Powers of Entropy
Div Taromaiti 2024-06-27 2024-07-04 Being the Gorgons of Hate and Malice #Bestiary #Creatures #Div #Fiends #Gehenna