Guardinals Talisid 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 Being the Noble King of the Guardinals #Elysium #Empyreal Lords #Five Companions #Guardinals #High-Ups #Leonals
Guardinals Sathia 2025-03-01 2025-03-02 Being an Artistic Embodiment of Colourful Freedom #Avorals #Elysium #Empyreal Lords #Five Companions #Guardinals #High-Ups
Guardinals Manath 2025-03-01 2025-03-02 Being a Lively New Member of Talisid’s Five #Cervidals #Elysium #Empyreal Lords #Five Companions #Guardinals #High-Ups
Guardinals Kharash 2025-03-01 2025-03-02 Being the Dark Stalker of the Elysian Night #Elysium #Empyreal Lords #Five Companions #Guardinals #High-Ups #Lupinals
Guardinals Bharrai 2025-03-01 2025-03-02 Being the Mother Bear of the Guardinals #Elysium #Empyreal Lords #Five Companions #Guardinals #High-Ups #Ursinals