Guardinals Walks with Golden Stars 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 Being a Ancient Being of Mysterious Purpose and Philosophy #Astral #Draconals #Empyreal Lords #Guardinals #High-Ups #Wandering #Wildspace
Guardinals Taramyth 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 Being the Singing Flame, a True Fire Fox #Astral #Demiplanes #Empyreal Lords #Guardinals #High-Ups #Vulpinals
Archons Places Tanar'ri Wondrous Items Astral Ships of the Seventh Sea 2024-10-22 2025-03-21 Being a Veritable Shipyard of Surprising Vessels of the Astral #Archons #Astral #Baatezu #Creatures #Modrons #Planar Pathways #Tanar'ri #Vehicles #Yugoloths
Places Seventh Sea 2024-10-21 2025-03-21 Being a Planar Pathway you can Only Find while Completely Lost #Abyss #Aquallor #Arborea #Arvandor #Astral #Baator #Beastlands #Elysium #Hinterlands #Limbo #Lunia #Mount Celestia #Olympus #Ossa #Pandemonium #Planar Pathways #Prime #Silver Sea #Stygia #Thalasia #Ysgard
Places Itharin 2023-12-04 2024-03-11 Being the Gate Town to the Astral #Astral #Burgs #Gate Towns #Outlands #Wandering
Psychopomps Vanth 2023-11-18 2023-11-19 Being Silent Unwavering Guardians of Purgatory and Watchers over the River of Souls #Astral #Bestiary #Creatures #Outlands #Psychopomps #River of Souls #Underlands
Mapping Infinity The Great Great Ring 2023-11-05 2023-11-05 Being a Thesis Concerning the ‘Missing’ Third Transitive Plane, Dubbed the Ocean Ordial #Astral #Ethereal #Inner Planes #Mapping Infinity #Ordial Plane #Outer Planes #Prime
Crunch Githyanki 2023-10-04 2024-07-05 Being a Pathfinder 1e Conversion of the Pirates of the Astral Sea known as Githyanki #Astral #Pathfinder 1e #PC Races
Places Yggdrasil 2023-09-03 2024-12-10 Being the World Ash which Connects the Planes of the Norse Powers #Arborea #Arvandor #Astral #Beastlands #Brux #Elemental Air #Gray Waste #Karasuthra #Krigala #Limbo #Nidavellir #Nilfheim #Olympus #Outlands #Pandemonium #Planar Pathways #Prime #Yggdrasil #Ysgard