Leg-Breaker, the Strong, Son of Gruumsh. CE intermediate power of strength, combat, loyalty (He/Him)
Pantheon: Orcish
Symbol: A broken thigh bone
Realm: Acheron / Avalas / Nishrek
The only son of Gruumsh and Luthic, Bahgtru the Leg-Breaker is the god of strength and physical combat, particularly melee combat. The patron of loyalty, brute force, and a big believer in might making right, Bahgtru is a relentless and dangerous power limited by only three things: firstly, that he respects most of his foes more than he has any real dislike for them, for by definition his foes must have great strength or else they would not be worth his time; secondly, that he disdains the use of weapons, armour, and magic, often limiting his shamans to spells that will enhance their combat ability; and thirdly, that he is profoundly and irredeemably stupid. Bahgtru ‘s adherents are the source of most negative orcish stereotypes, with Bahgtru himself being not just dumb for a deity, but actually less intelligent than the average mortal orc.
Bahgtru shares his father’s enmity with the dwarven pantheon (whom he admires for their strength but would also really like to squish) and the elven pantheon (who he hates with the fury of a thousand suns, if those suns were also preposterously stupid) Bahgtru believes literally any problem can be solved with a liberal application of force, which includes punching things that aren’t actually punchable, such as magic spells, the weather, and conversation. If he weren’t a deity, he would certainly be dead in a ditch. Instead, he is a devastating juggernaut used judiciously by the other orcish deities, and favoured by orc warriors and some ragers.
- Afroakuma
- Aulddragon’s Blog
- Obsidian Portal