Tsardom of Silver

Realm of Marena
Location: Planes of Cordance / Nether
Even though the Cordant Plane of Nether is nothing but ice and mud, Morana built her domain there. Perhaps she enjoyed turning a fraction of this mess into something magnificently beautiful. And beautiful it is—passing through the forest of blue spruce trees, a cutter will encounter an ornate palace with icicle-like spires and towers. This central piece is surrounded by a number of smaller houses, carved from ice and adorned with iron and silver. These are houses for petitioners. Marena has few worshippers, and even fewer are accepted by her in her realm. Those deemed too ugly or displease Morana are exiled to roam the outer forests of the Tsardom of Silver.
Most things in this place are made out of magically hardened ice. Icicle weapons have properties of both silver and cold iron, doing double damage against those who are weak to both. The only weakness of this material is that it quickly melts away after being exposed to fire or extreme heat for longer than one turn (special sheaths to protect weapons while not in use are available). However, it’s not an easy task to get one of these blades. Cutters into foraging should realise that the trees around the realm are made out of the same ice-silver, while their needles are prickly as razorvine and also count as silver and cold iron.
Sources: Margarita and Jon Winter-Holt. Margarita notes: While this homebrew power is based on Slavic folklore and beliefs, the amount of actual information we have on pre-Christian Slavic deities is so minuscule that building any kind of lore out of it is impossible. However, there are a lot of folk beliefs about things these deities are thought to represent, which I have worked into the piece.