

The Cog of the Endless Maze, and the Sanctuary

Location: Mechanus

The Cog of the Recursive Maze

Deep down in Mechanus, although not as far down as Fumetown, lies an enigma—a solitary cog that seems to defy the very principles of the Plane of Absolute Law. This gear, though seemingly connected to the endless clockwork of the plane, is different. It stands isolated on an enormous axle, supporting a massive mountain that thrusts skyward, cloaked in vegetation of colossal proportions. At first glance, it seems ordinary, perhaps even insignificant compared to Mechanus’ grander designs. But those with a keen eye and a thirst for the hidden truths will soon tumble to the fact that this cog harbours something far more mysterious—a labyrinth of unyielding complexity.

The cog’s true mystery lies deep beneath the mountain, in the vast, twisting tunnels that turn back and cross-cross each other to create an incomprehensible maze. To the casual observer, these tunnels seem like the chaotic antithesis of Mechanical order—a blight on the face of the plane. But the maze is not without purpose. It represents a different kind of order, just one that defies conventional understanding. Here, the rules of Mechanus twist upon themselves, as if the cog itself is challenging the very essence of law by embracing the paradox of complexity within simplicity.

The chant goes that the maze is a living contradiction, a labyrinth of infinite possibilities with no apparent goal, treasure, or secret waiting to be uncovered. It is a place where logic and madness intertwine, where the pursuit of knowledge leads only to more questions, not answers—but the lack of treasure has meant most tomb-raiding adventurers have stayed away. Yet, this is precisely why it has drawn the attention of the Guvners—those who believe that understanding this maze could unlock mysteries of Mechanus itself.

The Dark of the Endless Maze

The Grant Hall of Sanctuary

Deep within the heart of this labyrinth lies the real secret however. The Sanctuary is a cathedral-like structure carved from the bedrock of the mountain itself. Here, the air is thick with the scent of decay, bones crunch underfoot, and the temperature fluctuates between sweltering heat and bone-chilling cold as one descends. The Sanctuary is a hidden refuge, known only to the mysterious Keepers—silent, watchful figures who gather here to share knowledge and exchange secrets.

The Keepers are not mere custodians of this place; they are its architects and its guardians. Each Keeper serves a unique function within the labyrinth, and their existence is shrouded in secrecy. They gather in the Sanctuary, where they congregate in eerie silence or stand motionless, lost in contemplation. It is in this sacred space that the Keepers exchange information, record their findings, and plan their next moves in the eternal search for whatever hidden truths they obsess over.

In the Sanctuary’s grand hall, illuminated by a light without source, the Keepers maintain their vigil. The hall’s walls are riddled with burrow-like holes, and its centrepiece is a grand bronze door, leading to a domed chamber supported by massive columns. At the heart of this chamber stands a pillar, inscribed with symbols that defy mundane comprehension. Surrounding the pillar are statues of terrifying, winged creatures—guardians of the Sanctuary’s deepest secrets. Each statue presides over an altar, where the Keepers conduct their inscrutable rituals.

The Library of the Keepers

Beyond the domed chamber lies a library, accessible through a golden door emblazoned with the symbol of the Fraternity of Order. This room, more recently constructed than the rest of the Sanctuary, is filled with dusty tomes and ancient grimoires—an archive of the Keepers’ accumulated knowledge. Here, every Keeper must contribute a notebook filled with their discoveries at some point in their existence, adding to the collective wisdom that lies dormant on the shelves.

The oldest Keeper serves as the Great Librarian, overseeing this sacred repository of knowledge. Their duty is to protect these books at all costs, even if it means burning them should the Sanctuary fall under threat. The library is a place of reverence and solemn duty, where the Keepers’ dedication to their inscrutable cause is most evident.

The Enigmas of the Cog

Despite the meticulous records and the rigorous order maintained within the Sanctuary, the cog itself remains an enigma. Why are the symbols of the Fraternity of Order down there? Why is magic useless against its labyrinthine defences—teleportation spells fail, and the maze confounds even the most powerful divinations? The Sanctuary is warded with ancient runes of death magic, lethal to any living being that is not a Keeper. The nameless, insectile creatures that inhabit the maze’s upper tunnels are a constant threat, their chitinous bodies adapted to the harsh environments within the cog. Yet, for every Keeper that enters the maze, more seem to emerge, as if the cog itself is breeding them in its depths, or perhaps they slip through a portal from the Far Realm down there?

The Cog of the Endless Maze is a place where the rigid order of Mechanus beings to blur and breal down, where the pursuit of knowledge leads Keeprsdown paths that twist back upon themselves. It is a paradox within a paradox, a challenge to the fabric of Mechanus, and a reminder that even in the most orderly of planes, there are mysteries that defy explanation. The Keepers continue their vigil, seeking to protect the secrets of this strange cog, knowing that the answers they seek may lie beyond even the grasp of Mechanus’ unwavering laws.

Source: Julien Gauthier, Martin Bourassa and Jon Winter-Holt

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