Fetid Pit of Vakorcha
The Fetid Pit of Vakorcha is surely one of the last place any sensible sod would want to venture, but I reckon you’re not here for sensible advice, are ya? Well, right off the bat, the pit’s a stomach-churning cauldron of malaise and death. The air’s thick as mouldy pea soup, filled with a constant buzzing and biting from insects, the size of which you ain’t never seen before. It’s a never-ending giant mosquito party where you’re both the guest and the main course, all in the most gruesomely imaginative ways one could conceive. Now envision yourself trudging through a mire where every step ya take is a gamble with the sloppy, slippery earth that seems eager to swallow you whole. The ground’s as trustworthy as a Xaositect, constantly shiftin’ and churnin’ beneath your feet; it’s a mess of decay and corruption, let me tell you.
But the real (only?) reason to come here cutter, is the entrance to another layer of the Abyss, a direct route to the dwellin’ of the Queen of Chaos in the Steaming Fen, the fourteenth layer. An entire realm of fear and loathing awaiting anyone foolhardy enough to venture further through the pulsatin’ bowels of this damned place. Yes indeed, I have no idea why anyone would want to visit the Steaming Fen but it’s my job to lann the chant not judge you for asking for it.
You’re not out of the fens yet cutter! Amongst this rotting chaos lurk the three monstrous bebilith, the lords of this sweltering kingdom of despair. Now the largest one, Vakorcha, is the master of manipulation, using dreams and hallucinations to pull you into his dark embrace. It’s like he can reach into your very soul, pullin’ at strings ya didn’t even know ya had, draggin’ ya towards doom with an eerie sort of call that haunts the mind. They also say these monsters are minions of Miska the Wolf-Spider. So no, I wouldn’t advise stopping to chat with the locals, unless you fancy being dinner, cutter.
The land around the pit seems to be alive. It’s a place where every rock and twisted tree seems to lean in close, where the ground beneath you threatens to swallow you whole. It’s a being of pure malevolence, eager to consume all that enters its maw, a relentless predator that knows no satisfaction. Now, ya might find yourself wonderin’, what kind of a berk would willingly enter such a place, and I’d wager they’re the sort who’ve lost all sense of reason, the sort who’ve gazed too long into the Abyss until the Abyss gazed back. Even for an adventurer with a death wish, this place is a bit much, doncha think?
Source: Jon Winter-Holt, mimir.net