The Abyssal Favela

Perched precariously on the jagged cliffs of the Grand Abyss, Bitelbrouw is a chaotic sprawl of desperation and decay. Its ramshackle structures cling to the sheer rock face, suspended by creaking bridges formed from bone and sinew, which sway ominously in the abyssal winds. The town’s architecture is a patchwork of scavenged materials—scraps of wood here, rusted metal there, and even living flesh pulsating with veins and eyes. The air is thick with the acrid stench of decay, mingled with the sickly-sweet aroma of poisons being brewed by alchemists and the potions of witches. Gravity itself seems unreliable, with some pathways twisting sideways or even upside-down, held together perhaps by demonic willpower or maybe sheer madness. Bitelbrouw is not a place for the faint-hearted—it is a grim example of survival against all odds.
Bitelbrouw is infamous as a haven for some of the lowest dregs of the Abyss—tanar’ri exiles too weak or treacherous for the Blood War, rogue yugoloths seeking refuge from their contracts, and mortal souls too stubborn to succumb to death. The burg thrives on, but is also threatened by its proximity to the Clinging Forest, whose aggressive flora provides both resources and deadly challenges. The overwhelming philosophy of the burg is as bleak as its appearance: survive at all costs. Trust is a rare commodity here; betrayal is often seen as a necessary tool for survival. Many inhabitants embrace chaos as freedom, believing that their constant struggle gives life meaning. Others cling to warped remnants of mortal philosophies—ideas like “strength through suffering” or “freedom through anarchy.” Bitelbrouw is a place where hope dies quickly, but ambition festers eternally.
Things to Do in Bitelbrouw
For those brave (or foolish) enough to visit Bitelbrouw, there are plenty of dangerous opportunities. Take the Soul Market, for example. Its grotesque bazaar where stolen souls are traded like currency. Vendors hawk bottled screams, and bizarre fruits that bites back, harvested from the Clinging Forest. Speaking of which, all kinds of alchemical wonders are concocted here by barmy apothecaries—perfect for assassins or Sensate thrill-seekers. For the right garnish, you can even find yourself a guide who could lead you into the Clinging Forest to harvest rare plants. Although few return unscathed.
Key Members of the Community
Chorviss the Bonebinder (planar bar-lgura tanar’ri [she/her] / CE) is a tanar’ri exile who oversees the construction and maintenance of Bitelbrouw’s precarious bridges. She is known for her grim pragmatism, her questionable ability to tie knots, but more for her ruthless enforcement of tolls.
Vellak the Soulmonger (planar arcanoloth yugoloth [he/him] / CE) is a truly awful yugoloth who runs the Soul Market. Vellak delights in haggling over souls and is rumoured to have angered several powerful Abyssal lords, hence needing to hide out here. Chant goes he uses a magical gehreleth liquefaction device to ensnare petitioners that fall past Bitelbrouw, that traps them in a bottle for convenient trading.
Draskil “The Sap-Mad” (planar githzerai alchemist [he/him] / CE) is a mortal alchemist driven barmy by prolonged exposure to Clinging Forest toxins. His potions are unpredictable but potent and cheap, and highly sought after by risk-takers.
Source: Jon Winter-Holt. This location was inspired by the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, and is a home-brew addition to the Abyss. Bitelbrouw is an old English word meaning overhanging, stern or unfriendly, and is the origin of the term beetle-browed.