Powers Zilchus 2024-02-12 2024-02-17 Being the Infuential Oerdian Power of Jink, Prestige and Power #Intermediate Powers #Oerth Pantheon #Outlands #Powers #Powers of Wealth #Ringlands
Sigil La Danse Macabre 2024-02-11 2024-11-27 Being a Lower Ward Dancehall with a Clientele Most Sinister #Brix's Guide #Lower Ward #Taverns
Cuisines Sigil Field of the Planes 2024-02-04 2024-02-09 Being a Vendor of Exotic, Exciting and Explosive Foodstuffs of the Planes #Bub #Cuisines #Foods #Market Ward #Sigil
Cutters Outlandish Folk 2024-02-01 2024-09-22 Being a Balanced Look at the Cutters who Call the Outlands their Home Plane #Cutters #Native Folk #Outlands #Petitioners
Stories Tales of the Outlands 2024-02-01 2024-09-22 Being a Collection of Stories Gathered on the Outlands #Outlands
Hazards Outlands Places Magic and the Spire 2024-02-01 2025-02-03 Being a Map of the Magical Flux Distortion Created by the Spire #Layers #Outlands
Languages Talk Like an Outlander 2024-02-01 2024-09-22 Being a Glossary of the Lingo that is Peculiar to the Outlands #Cant #Languages #Outlands
Hazards Places Outlandish Lands, the 2024-02-01 2025-01-27 Being a Deep Dive into the Strangeness of the Outlands #Hazards #Outlands #Planewalking #Terrain
Poetry The Ballad of Tilgey Tum 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 Being a Nursery Rhyme for Tiefling Orphans #Poems from Beyond #Tiefling Nursery Rhymes