Philosophies Ashes to Ashes 2023-10-11 2024-07-05 Being a Brief History of the Sinkers #Doomguard #History
Philosophies The Road to Ruin 2023-10-11 2024-07-05 Being an Exploration of what it Really Means to Increase Entropy #Doomguard #Philosophy by Numbers
Coteries Philosophies The Razers 2023-10-11 2025-01-29 Who Seek to Burn it All to the Ground! #Coteries #Doomguard #Elemental Fire
Coteries Philosophies The Diachronics 2023-10-11 2024-07-05 Who Create Entropy in Language One Word at a Time #Coteries #Doomguard #Languages
Coteries Philosophies The Harbingers 2023-10-11 2023-10-11 Being a Sinister Group who Propagate Doomsday Cults across the Unsuspecting Prime #Athar #Believers of the Source #Coteries #Doomguard #Fraternity of Order #Heralds of Dust
Coteries Philosophies The Sifters 2023-10-11 2024-07-05 Who Seek to Find that which was Burnt to Ashes before its Time #Ash #Coteries #Doomguard #Inner Planes #Quasi-Elemental Ash
Coteries Philosophies Flavours of Entropy 2023-10-11 2024-07-05 A Precis of the Three Main Fractions of Thought within the Doomguard; Regulators, Sinkers and Destroyers #Coteries #Doomguard
Coteries Cutters Philosophies The Speakers of All 2023-10-11 2024-07-05 Who seek to Cause the End Times by Speaking All the Names of the Powers #Coteries #Doomguard #Half-Elves
Coteries Cutters Philosophies The Sign of Zero 2023-10-11 2024-07-05 Being a Failed Signer Who Imagines Things Away #Coteries #Cutters #Doomguard #Githyanki