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Sigil’s Minor Factions
A tiefling lullaby about the Minor Factions
For Sigil’s factions must move on
We loved them once but now they’re gone:
Anarchists tried to smash the system,
And failed, and we don’t really miss ’em.
Cakers start each day with gateaux,
They’ve found the truth, and it’s make of dough!
Communals share all they hold dear
Then one day they just disappear!
Expansionists‘ ambition praised,
Confront the Lady? You’ll be Mazed!
Godsmen thought themselves so splendid
Are they gone or all ascended?
Incantifiers guzzle magic forces—
Rods, staves and wands their favourite courses.
Indeps wouldn’t take a stance,
Philosophy’s a game of chance.
Ring-Giver creed is karma pursuing,
Give just a bit, and find plenty accruing.
Signers thought we’re in their head,
But we’re still here and they’re now dead.
Xaosmen thinking was uncertain,
Penguin! Demon! Safety curtain?
And so they fell to She Who Flays,
The Lady rules, now and always.
Source: Based original ‘Sixteen Secrets’ lullaby by Chris Nichols. Updated for Planescape 5e by Jon Winter-Holt, mimir.net

Canonical Faction Chant
Depending on what sort of chant you’re after, you might be able to find it in one of the Planescape handbooks:
- The philosophies of the factions are sketched out in A Player’s Guide to the Planes, expanded in The Factol’s Manifesto, and put in perspective in The Planewalker’s Handbook.
- Factioneer abilities are outlined in A Player’s Guide to the Planes and expanded in The Factol’s Manifesto.
- Details of how to join the factions are given in The Factol’s Manifesto.
- Faction headquarters are described briefly in Sigil and Beyond and In The Cage, and in more detail in The Factol’s Manifesto.
- The factols’ histories and statistics are covered in The Factol’s Manifesto.
- The relationships between the Factions are mentioned in A Player’s Guide to the Planes, and explained more fully in The Factol’s Manifesto.
- The factions’ planar headquarters are described in the Boxed Set according to the plane in question.
- The faction symbols are pictured in A Player’s Guide to the Planes, on a poster in the original Planescape Boxed Set and on the poster that comes with The Factol’s Manifesto.
- Many faction secrets are revealed in The Factol’s Manifesto.
- The best ways to deal with factioneers are described in The Planewalker’s Handbook.
- Some famous faction members are described in Uncaged: Faces of Sigil.
- Powers who’re popular with the factions are talked about in On Hallowed Ground.
- Hellbound: The Blood War box discusses what each faction thinks of the Blood War.
I will probably forget about this, so I throw in yet another very obscure thing I dug up. Dungeon Magazine #055 mentions Zactars, an extinct faction who believed that everything in the Multiverse was created for the benefit of one being (alu-fiend). At the end of the adventure this faction is kind of revived, although its only members are alu-fiend Umbra (alleged One True Being) and three priestesses. So they may be around the Cage somewhere