[ Eladrin ] [ Aestetica | Empyreal Lords ]
Goethi Eladrin

Who soar over the dark forests on wings of shadow
CG; CR 8 ‡
Alternate form: a shadow
The goethi (go-EE-thee) eladrin, also known as gloaming azata, embody a philosophy that celebrates the beauty and mystery of darkness—while not succumbing to the malevolence often associated with it. They are nocturnal guardians, compassionate guides, and enigmatic beings who thrive in the shadowed corners of Arborea.
The goethi have a striking monochromatic aesthetic. Their skin is pale, often resembling moonlight, while their hair and eyes are deep shades of black or dark grey. They dress in elegant black garments accented with intricate, gothic jewellery, mysterious and sophisticated. They are able to manifest ephemeral wings of shadow, which they use to glide through Arborea’s night skies. However, these wings can only be sustained for short periods before requiring rest.
In their alternate form, goethi can transform into two-dimensional shadows. This ability allows them to slip through narrow spaces undetected and become completely invisible when surrounded by darkness.
Mortals fear what they cannot see;
—Goethi saying
I pity them for missing all the beauty hidden in the dark

The goethi eladrin embrace darkness as a symbol of introspection, mystery, and quiet beauty, rejecting the destructive chaos associated with the darkness in the Lower Planes. Their very existence is a quiet protest against the vilification of night and shadow. They see themselves as compassionate stewards of the night, offering solace and guidance to lost or repentant souls. Their philosophy emphasises kindness and redemption, even toward cutters who may not seem deserving of it.
The goethi dwell in the dark places of Arborea, particularly deep caves and shadowed forests. These locations are not only their sanctuaries but also strategic points from which they can guard portals against incursions from malevolent forces. Their homes are adorned with bioluminescent fungi and glowing crystals that provide soft illumination, casting shimmering shadows that they see as a form of haunting, transient art.
The goethi form small, tightly-knit communities within their subterranean habitats which value artistic expression and quiet contemplation. Music played on hauntingly beautiful instruments often fills their caverns during communal gatherings. They are deeply spiritual beings who revere Desna, the power of dreams and stars, and many of them serve as her proxies.
I guard the gates of shadow not to keep monsters out,
—Goethi saying
but to keep berks from stumbling in.
Source: Margarita and Jon Winter-Holt. Canonwatch: ‡ This is a homebrew creature.