Diverse, Equal and Inclusive Guardinals
Diverse, Equal and Inclusive Guardinals

Diverse, Equal and Inclusive Guardinals

[ Guardinals ] [ Custodian | Luminary | Scout | Yeoman ] [ Unique | Paragons ]

Diverse, Equal and Inclusive Guardinals

Elysium, the plane of boundless compassion and harmony, celebrates the individuality of every soul that ascends to its radiant meadows. Unlike more rigid planes, Elysium does not impose strict physical forms upon its celestial inhabitants. Instead, it embraces the diversity of personalities, the equality of all souls who have been deemed to belong on the plane, and the inclusivity which makes space for all would-be guardinals—even if they are not wolf-like, lion-like or bird-like. Each petitioner who is selected to become a guardinal will manifest as a creature that reflects their unique personality, virtues, and philosophy. While leonals, avorals, and other common forms dominate the ranks of guardinals, there exist a myriad of rare and extraordinary types of creature—beings whose forms defy all of the common boxes. The philosophy of Elysium is that goodness flourishes most vibrantly when individuality is nurtured and allowed to thrive the way that suits them.

Among these rare beings are tamanduals, or anteater guardinals, whose long tongues and patient demeanours make them natural seekers of hidden truths; shark-like carcharinals, fierce protectors of oceanic realms who embody the relentless pursuit of justice; spider-like arachneals, who are weavers of intricate webs that symbolise the interconnectedness of all life; and even annelidals, earthworm guardinals, who are humble stewards of renewal and growth who transform the unwanted into fresh beginnings. These rare forms arise when a petitioner’s essence does not quite align with the archetypes of the more common guardinals. Each unique guardinal brings a fresh perspective to Elysium, ensuring that no facet of virtue is overlooked and that every soul can find a place in the Joyful Plane.

Unusual Guardinals from any layer of Elysium

GuardinalAnimal HybridFunction in Society
ColumbalDove, pigeonResilient urban caretakers and messengers of peace
CorvidalRavenMystical messengers and keepers of secrets
MandrillalMandrilChampions of community diversity
NocturnalOwlSilent strike force
OsphrantinalKangarooMedics and protectors, nurturers and travellers
PsittacalParrotJoyful spreaders of hope

Amorian Diversity

GuardinalAnimal HybridFunction in Society
BactrinalCamelWater-bearers and guides, embodying resilience and perparation
BradypalSlothMeditators, embodying patience and mindfulness
DiceralRhinoUnstoppable protectors of sacred spaces
ErinacealHedgehogQuiet protectors of the vulnerable
GallinalChickenGuardians of the vulnerable, vigilant protectors
HyaenidalHyenaGuardians of balance, humour and the importance of scavenging wisdom from mistakes
LupulellalJackalWanderers between worlds, guiders of lost souls
ObcutinalChameleonSubtle and adaptable, able to blend into spread harmony, cunning spies
SuidalPigForagers and bathhouse workers, able to find value in the overlooked
TamandualAnteaterSeekers of hidden truths

Eronian Equality

GuardinalAnimal HybridFunction in Society
AlceinalMooseSolitary guardians of vast wilderness
BovinalCattleFarmers and providers, symbolising abundance and community
BubalalBuffaloCollective strength and community
HirundalSwallowLong-distance messengers of hope
LaginalRabbitQuick-witted cutters able to thrive even in adversity
OvinalSheepDevoted followers and worshippers

Mysteries of Belierin

GuardinalAnimal HybridFunction in Society
AnatidalDuckMediators, able to navigate turbulent disagreements
AnnelidalEarthwormStewards of renewal who transform the unwanted
ArachnealSpiderWeavers of intricate symbolic webs
CastorinalBeaverIndustrious and cooperative builders of harmony
EutheconalCrocodileSilent watchers of liminal spaces, protectors of secrets
HerpestalMongooseQuick-thinking fearless defenders against corruption
NajadalCobraGuardians of sacred truths
LutrinalOtterJoyful problem solvers and guardians of Oceanus
ViperalAdderSubtle agents of transformation, able to shed philosophies that no longer serve them

Thalasian Inclusivity

GuardinalAnimal HybridFunction in Society
AcipenseralSturgeonKeepers of wisdom and the deep currents of time
AnguillalEel. morayGuardians of hidden currents
BalænalWhaleProfoundly wise and deep sages, singers of the hero myths
BrachynalCrab, lobsterResilient defenders of the seas
CarcharinalSharkRelentless hunters of corruption and danger
ElepalFlycatcher birdHunters of pestilence and disease
FalcatinalPraying mantisAscetic monks
LophiodalAnglerfishLurkers in darkness who guide lost souls with their light, symbols of hope in despair
MakairalSwordfish, NarwhalChampions of decisive action, speedy and precise
OctopodalOctopusMasters of strategy and multitasking
SirenalManateeGentle protectors of peaceful waters

Source: Jon Winter-Holt and Margarita. The agathion are all from the Pathfinder game, either 1e or 2e.† Canonwatch: The guardinal species mentioned here are homebrew—in terms of statistics I recommend reskinning existing guardinal statblocks.

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