Institute of Digitology
Institute of Digitology

Institute of Digitology

The Institute of Digitology

Location: Mechanus / near the Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment

Recently, the Mathematicians of Mechanus have discovered a type of magic quite different from the traditional method—a type that involved great quantities of mathematics. The Digitologists of Zakhara (a region on the prime world of Toril, better known as the Land of Fate) uses extensive mathematical equations to very precisely draw a spell into effect, rather than bluntly drive a formula into one’s head until memorised and then regurgitate it later. They developed an understanding of the magic which allows them to augment it further than was previously thought possible.

Of course, the Mathematicians celebrated this accomplishment. For years, they have been trying to find the reverse of Wild Magic, and Digitology seems to be it—a rigorous and highly organised form of magic which is not only predictable, but can be exploited to augment the powers of magic even further. News of this discovery spread to Sigil, where it was received with virtually no interest: “Don’t the Mathematicians use math for their magic anyway?” Only a few people really understood the potential of this type of magic. Before long, the Guvners (always looking for a good loophole) had gone through the right authorities to form a collaborative institute of research with the Mathematicians, to try to discover the limits of Digitology. This facility, creatively titled the Institute of Digitology, has become a bit of a hotspot.

Located near the Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment (in planar terms), the Institute is made up of the most brilliant Guvner mages and various interested Mathematicians. To better understand the topic of their research, the Institute has recruited a fair number of wide-eyed Zakharan Primes, all Digitologists, to teach and learn at the Institute. Overall, the facility seems fairly unobtrusive, on the surface.

Investigators have found, however, that there are elements to the Institute which have made several other groups uncomfortable. Reliable information has reached the ears of the Athar that the Zakharan Digitologists believe it is a crime to attempt to spread the belief that no gods exist—and have insisted that this rule be enforced in the Institute. Chant goes that a lawful member of the Athar was captured and put to death for lecturing on the subject. Of course, the Athar are grievously offended by what they view as ‘thought policing’ and ‘a breach of diplomatic decency.’ The resulting friction between the Guvners and the Athar in Sigil is evident as Guvner-funded temples have received significantly more attention from the Athar (led by the antisocial Hobard).

Wild mages are also disturbed at what they see as a threat to their own style of magic. Though they are incapable of doing any direct harm to the Institute (since it is located in a plane which altogether negates wild magic), some have tried to intimidate the Guvners in Sigil with threats and a very small number have actually enlisted the aid of normal mages to commit acts of terrorism against the Institute.

One final concern is that the modrons will learn the secrets of the magic and become all the more powerful. After all, many high-ups are already spellcasters, and this will make them all the more powerful. Fortunately, since the modrons are rarely a threat to anyone outside of Mechanus, most bloods reckon this is a minor concern at best.

Source: Belarius

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