Music Poetry Holding Out for a Hezrou 2024-09-08 2024-09-18 Being the Story of Six-Armed Snake Fiend Girl Meets Vicious Spiny Frog-Demon Boy— a Tale as Old as Time #Abyss #Blood War #Hezrous #Mariliths #Poems from Beyond #Songs from Beyond #Tanar'ri
Music Poetry Trials of the Fated 2024-09-04 2024-09-04 Being a Short Summary of What it Takes to Join Sigil’s Fated Faction #Fated #Poems from Beyond #Songs from Beyond #Vrock
Music Poetry Personal Archon 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 Being a Song to Explain the Philosophy of the Mind’s Eye Faction #Fated #Poems from Beyond #Songs from Beyond #Vrock
Music Poetry My Old Man’s A Dustman 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 Being a Street Shanty About Sigil’s Heralds of Dust Faction #Dustmen #Heralds of Dust #Poems from Beyond #Songs from Beyond
Places Delon-Estin-Ótà 2024-08-29 2024-09-08 Being a Burg which Blurs the Boundaries between Time and Fate #Burgs #Independent Towns #Mechanus
Music Poetry Fortune’s Wheel 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 Being a Dramatic Entry by Shemeshka the Marauder #Fortune's Wheel #Poems from Beyond #Shemeshka #Songs from Beyond #Yugoloths
Music Poetry A Binding Agreement of Conjugal Affection 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 Being a Heartwarming Love Song from Mechanus #Mechanus #Modrons #Poems from Beyond #Rogue Modrons #Songs from Beyond
Formians Places Centre, the 2024-08-26 2025-01-27 Being the Beating Heart of the Great Formian Empire of Mechanus #Burgs #Empires #Formians #Independent Towns #Mechanus
Places Sanctuary 2024-08-24 2024-08-24 Being the Best-Kept Secret of the Keepers #Keepers #Mechanus #Sites