Places Eye for an Eye 2024-12-12 2024-12-12 Being a Burg with a Sinister Truce Between Beholders #Abyss #Eyenabella #Independent Towns
Planes Mount Celestia 2024-12-09 2025-01-22 Being a Challenge to Souls to Rise through Trials of Virtue towards Perfection #Mount Celestia #Outer Planes #Upper Planes
Modrons Modron, Quadrone 2024-12-08 2025-01-27 Being a Treatise On The Fourfold Symmetry of the Quadrone #Bestiary #Creatures #Mechanus #Modrons #Monitors
Modrons Modron, Tridrone 2024-12-08 2025-01-27 Bring an Analysis of the Tri-Faceted Mind: A Monograph on Tridrones #Bestiary #Creatures #Mechanus #Modrons #Monitors
Modrons Modron, Duodrone 2024-12-08 2025-01-27 Being a Treatise On The The Bifunctional Overseer: A Duograph #Bestiary #Creatures #Mechanus #Modrons #Monitors
Modrons Modron, Monodrone 2024-12-08 2025-01-27 Being a Treatise On The Perfection of the Single Purpose: A Monograph on Monodrones #Bestiary #Creatures #Mechanus #Modrons #Monitors
Sigil Dark Bell Tolls 2024-12-01 2025-02-21 Being a Shop of Treasures of Absence, Death, and Decay #Adverts #Brix's Guide #Cutters #Lower Ward #Shops #Sites
Cutters Troyan 2024-12-01 2024-12-28 Being the Foul Abyssal Lord of Conspiracy, and Fake News #Abyss #Duggur #Slavic Pantheon #Tanar'ri Lords
Powers Indrik 2024-12-01 2024-12-01 Being the Animal Lord of Prehistoric Beasts #Animal Lords #Beastlands #Demipowers #Pangaea #Powers #Primordials #Slavic Pantheon #Wandering